Is an independent company that offers marine consulting services in all Peruvian ports, as well as ports in Chile & Ecuador. From 2006 to 2015, the company had the name of Equinox Consulting S.A.C., to be then changed to Skandinavian Agency Services S.A.C. in 2015.
Our company is established under the following legal entity:
Registry of Companies and Associations Related to The Marine Activity Certificate Nº 073-2015/R issued by The Directorate General of Captaincies and Coast Guard of the Peruvian Navy.
To provide technical specialized assistance during marine and port accidents or incidents by means of immediate, accurate and quality surveys. We provide information to our clients timely and with independence.
By 2025, to be a leading company in the market of marine and port surveys, and to be renowned nationally and internationally for the accuracy and quality of the services we offer, which will allow us to be an ideal strategic partner.
Bachiller en Traducción e Interpretación por la Universidad Ricardo Palma con especialización en los idiomas inglés y francés.
Cursando la carrera de Derecho en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP).
Graduate degree on Sociology from Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Member of the Official Association of Peruvian Sociologists.
Undergraduate student of Mechanical Engineering with a specialty in Naval Engineering at Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria (UNI).